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Hollywood Development

If you had any doubt that Hollywood is not making a come back take a look at this development map. These projects located from Highland Avenue to Western Blvd (minus the Millennium Project which is now on hold in several lawsuits) will increase property values in the area including to the North for Hollywood Hills homes, Beachwood Canyon homes and Los Feliz homes for sale.

The influx of more people means increased housing demand equaling higher property values. The Hollywood flats neighborhood around these development projects is still a little rough around the edges making it a perfect opportunity to invest now in rental property before the real estate values get more expensive.

Since the housing being developed is primarily condos and apartments buying a duplex, triplex or single family home will be the wisest investment as many renters like the feeling of living in a house instead of a typical apartment setting. Offering a “home” like environment for renters will allow for you to command maximum market rents.

Please contact me @ 323.829.8811 if you are interested in purchasing property in this booming Hollywood area or in the surrounding Hollywood Hills homes.