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eco lightIn honor of Earth Day this week here are 10 simple eco-friend actions you can take in your home to be green and save some green

  1. Change Your Light Bulbs to more efficient ones – LEDs are now available with Edison screw tops, are 80 percent more energy efficient and last about 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs
  2. Change Your Air Filters Regularly – Dirty air filters restrict air flow and make the system work harder to heat and cool the house
  3. Install a Programmable Thermostat – set it to reduce energy when you will not be home or when you are sleeping.
  4. Replace Your Old Water Heater – An on-demand tank less gas unit heats the water only when it is needed, rather than incurring standby losses.
  5. Seal Up Air Leaks – A tax credit or other financial incentive may be available for a percentage of the cost of air sealing the house, achieved with weather stripping, spray foam, caulking and house wrap
  6. Upgrade Plumbing Fixtures to Save Water – Aerators can be added to faucets and showerheads to limit the amount of water being used. Old toilets that can use up to 3.5 gallons per flush should be replaced with new low-flow toilets
  7. Install Ceiling Fans – they move the air to help make people in the room feel cool, reducing the need for other more energy guzzling mechanical cooling.
  8. Replace Old Appliances – Energy Star indicates that replacing an old dishwasher (from before 1994) with an Energy Star certified one will save $40 on utility bills and about 1,300 gallons of water over its lifetime. Energy Star refrigerators use about 15 percent less energy than non-certified models and can save the homeowner from $200 to $1,100 on energy over the lifetime of the appliance. Energy Star certified clothes washers use about 20 percent less energy and 35 percent less water than regular washers.
  9. Select Sustainable or Recycled Materials to Replace Interiors – If carpeting or other flooring is worn out consider replacing it with FSC certified bamboo, or a locally harvested hardwood. Worn out countertops can be replaced with materials that are made from recycled content such as some Formica
  10. Recycle Shopping Bags – Ok so this isn’t really for your house but so easy to implement that I just had to include it on the list. However, if you prefer to use plastic or paper bags, recycle them for liners in trashcans or for newspaper recycling.